Sit Ubu, Sit. Good Blog.

Fascinating blather about alternative and indie pop/rock and other
From Sarah (on Your Radio & The Internet)
Host of Thursday Java Time
Thursdays 6am - 8:30am
91.3FM WVUD / online
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Monday, April 02, 2007


And here, just barely faster than it took this guy to learn his new trick, are three weeks' worth of playlists:

Log for first part of March 15th, 2007 show

Log for second part of March 15th, 2007 show


Log for first part of March 22nd, 2007 show

Log for second part of March 22nd, 2007 show


Log for first part of March 29th, 2007 show

Log for second part of March 29th, 2007 show
A note about the second part of March 29th's playlist: I don't know what that schmutz is on the playlist there, but, in an effort to provide you with an authentic radio-playlist-viewing experience, I've not photoshopped it out. Also, I tend to throw things and mash food into my hair while on the air. Mrowrrf.

I gotta tell ya, I feel better already. These playlists have been weighing me down. Thanks to this animator, Justin, who supplied me with a perfect image of exhaustion without even knowing it.



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