Sit Ubu, Sit. Good Blog.

Fascinating blather about alternative and indie pop/rock and other
From Sarah (on Your Radio & The Internet)
Host of Thursday Java Time
Thursdays 6am - 8:30am
91.3FM WVUD / online
Listen Online, Why Don'tcha

Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Robot and the Dandy

I don't know how or why I stumbled upon this image, but I'm glad that I did. Finding out that the file itself was named "robot-dandy" was just the icing on the cake. Look at them. You can tell they're friends. Any second now, we'll see them do a little soft shoe and/or sing "He's a Little Bit Country, I'm a Little Bit Rock and Roll." I'm sure of it.

And here, just as you're realizing that I could really use some sleep, are my playlists:

Log for first part of August 27th, 2009 show

Log for second part of August 27th, 2009 show

Also, I'm really digging Santigold, even though I wish she could still call herself Santogold.

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Thursday, August 20, 2009

Hap Birf

So I had a birthday a few weeks back and it was pretty great. A cab driver gave me a discounted fare, I had dinner with friends and a nice feller, and a waiter made a smiley face out of pesto on my risotto. Life is sweet. What could make things better?

Playlists, that's what.

And here, smiling up at you like a grim,
green bio-hazard, are my playlsits:

Log for first part of August 20th, 2009 show

Log for second part of August 20th, 2009 show

Log for first part of
August 13th, 2009 show

Log for second part of
August 13th, 2009 show

Log for first part of
July 23rd, 2009 show

Log for second part of
July 23rd, 2009 show

Hooray! Flowers!

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