At work, a nice woman sent out an email saying that there were some Target tote bags available upstairs. You have never seen so many ladies swarm the elevator bay. I hate to say it, but I was excited about the tote bag. It felt like a BIG DEAL. So now I have one. And I have to say, the thrill is not gone. I wonder if it's not just because it's a tote bag, but also because it's from Target. Everyone loves Target. If it were from the Mealy Funeral Home, maybe I wouldn't have been as excited.
Get to totin! Playlists for the last two shows:
Log for first part of November 12th, 2009 show
Log for second part of November 12th, 2009 show
Log for first part of November 5th, 2009 show
Log for second part of November 5th, 2009 show
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