Sit Ubu, Sit. Good Blog.

Fascinating blather about alternative and indie pop/rock and other
From Sarah (on Your Radio & The Internet)
Host of Thursday Java Time
Thursdays 6am - 8:30am
91.3FM WVUD / online
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Thursday, July 26, 2007

Furry Harbinger of Death

Dear Heavens. What's not to like about the news lately? For example, they've come up with this winner. It's all about a kitty who lives in a rest home and, apparently, predicts when patients will die. They say that it curls up next to a patient roughly four hours before the person expires. My first thought was how horrified these poor people must be when that hellcat comes a callin. What a nightmare. Elderly, inconsolable people, screaming for that cat to get out get out GO AWAY FOR THE LOVE OF GOD I'M NOT READY. The article clarifies, however, that Oscar, the "furry harbinger of death," puts the death cuddle only on patients who are unconscious or, at the very least, unaware of their surroundings. O Merciful Oscar.

There are a few other fabulous articles floating around this week. For example, this one talks about "obesity networks," where heaviness is inadvertently encouraged by one's social contacts.

And here, faster than you can blame your friends for all the weight you've gained shotgunning butterscotch topping, is today's playlist:

Log for first part of July 26th, 2007 show

Log for second part of July 26th, 2007 show

"Quit yer worrying,
you guys.

News is for losers."

PSSST! It's my birthday this weekend!
Thank god my mother never put me through this.

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  • At 4:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Beware the fuzzy wuzzy reaper!

    Happy birthday, Sarah Lane.


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