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Fascinating blather about alternative and indie pop/rock and other
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Monday, June 04, 2007


I've always loved this Neil Young song. It's sad, sweet, and this 1992 performance is just plain charming. He forgets to sing the second verse, but gets help on the lyrics from audience members. There's something very comforting here, despite the firesticks and wagons.

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  • At 8:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi! I stumbled upon your site through the wvud website! I love that Neil Young song! What a find! Actually, the reason I'm writing is b/c I heard a song played last Fri morn (10:30ish?) and it was sooo good but I have noo idea who wrote it or the name... how could I find out? Googling the lyrics won't help. One line is "if I could make her love me don't you think I would" and "I never knew how precious love could/can be" or somethng to that effect.. Do you have any idea what the song could be?? Thanks!! You're awesome either way!


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