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Monday, August 28, 2006

1st Prize One Week in Philadelphia; 2nd Prize Two Weeks in Philadelphia

Ah, Philadelphia, my sweet, vindictive darling. You may continue to taunt me with your insouciant charms, but I know that it's just a test. You've mistaken my aloof demeanor for a lack of affection, and that is not what is happening here. For I adore you, Philadelphia. I am here for you, no matter what tricks you play.

This weekend, for instance, you saw to it that my credit card and ATM card were stolen and used to fund a several-thousand-dollars goods-purchasing party at Best Buy. That was a nimble feint. I respect your attempt to take my attentions away from my true goal, which is to have a winsome and satisfying life here. But fear not, Philadelphia. I am on to you. I know that, secretly, you love me and want me not only to survive here, but to flourish.

Theft is not awesome. The Philadelphia cop who told me stories about being in "Juvie" as a kid for gangwars? AWESOME. He mentioned that, sometimes, it's better to give the nuisance criminals who hang out in the neighborhood "a little thump," rather than waste two hours taking them in and writing them up. ???

To the thief: Did you have to go to Best Buy and buy crap? If you'd gone to a mall and purchased clothing and shoes, I'd have felt better. Maybe it would have been for your kids or your kid sister or something. Couldn't you have gone to Super Fresh, too? It would have been nice of you to feed your friends and family with your newly found bounty (my damned credit card and ATM card). Hell, if you'd even put down a payment on some sort of reasonable car, THAT would have been better than buying crap at Best Buy.

Boo hiss, Thief.

P.S. Cool painting above courtesy of Charles Sabba's website.


  • At 9:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    The ATM Card, An Elegy

    My card, my friend
    Please tell me
    This isn't the end.

    No longer nestled
    under my wing,
    What can I do
    but go on living?

    Taken from me
    You are gone forever,
    But I will never forget
    Memories of us together.

  • At 11:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I'll send you good karma from Norway's mountains.

  • At 11:44 AM, Blogger ThursdayJava said…

    Thanks Alex and Hi Mike!
    I hope Norway is good to you...

  • At 1:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Well, I do hope the elegy was amusing, as it was intended. I can't beat puppies when it comes to straight-up feelgood.

  • At 1:58 PM, Blogger ThursdayJava said…

    Puppies do help in most situations, it's true.'s%20puppies%201.jpg

  • At 8:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Now my positive vibes come from Finland. I hope the theft has not dampened your weekend. To cheer you up, go to The Khyber tonight and see Stucco Lobster Breadbox and the dirty Neil Diamond cover guy. Always a good show...with a lightheartedness that is much needed in these times of darkness and woe. Plus, I hear Ernesto is making a pain of himself...the nerve of some tropical storms!!


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